Subject: HTML: Netsurfer Digest Vol 1, 30 Author: A. Bebak (publisher) Uploaded By: CJ Jane Date: 9/17/1995 File: nsd130.htm (24391 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1132 Needs: web browser or latest AOL software Keywords: EZINE ZINE HTML LIBRARY: IC/Best Bets IC/E-Zines ------------------------------------------------ Keywords: EZINE ZINE HTML This document is in HTML format, which means that if you open it in a text editor, there will be extra characters. Open this using the AOL Web Browser, and you will be able to use the hypertext built into it. NetSurfer Digest Volume 01, Issue 30 in HTML format "MORE SIGNAL, LESS NOISE" Netsurfer Digest brings an entertaining and informative slice of the rapidly expanding online world to its readers. Sections include Surfing Sites, News, Arts, Travel, Software, Books, Community Support, and others. --------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE